Second Box Bag

Pink Box Bag

Hellooo. I made another box bag. This one for my friend Brian’s girlfriend. I got some heavier needles for my machine and was able to get this one looking mostly like the example I followed, nevermind some quirky slantiness. I intend to give this to her when I gift Brian with his handknit size 13 socks which are probably too small (complete, but waiting for a trip through the wash) for his birthday.

This item is “interfaced” with canvas, lined with old pajama pants from Old Navy, and the
exterior fabric is from Reprodepot, who, by the way, LINKED ME THANKS.

Pink Box Bag

Pink Box Bag

Pink Box Bag

Pink Box Bag

Goatse-ing the bag. Plaid inside!

I have a backlog of completed and near-completed items to be introduced but my camera is a total diva. It has some sort of congenital defect and it’s entiteld to free repair but the problem is intermittent so I’ve been waiting for it to screw up so that I can do something specific to it so that Canon can confirm the problem, but of course it only screws up when I really need it to work and it hasn’t screwed up since I learned what I need to do for Canon. I baked over 40 heart shaped butter cookies for Valentines Day and gave two to each of my friends telling them to eat one and share the other with someone they love and it’s as if it never happened.

I also started school again and do some minor knitting during classes and the like but that’s pretty much it. I’m having a great semester so far and I’ve met some amazing people. I gave up sculpture because of my sudden but not unexplained distaste for that microcosm of The Art Department and so many opportunities have opened up to me as a result. I’ve got a lot of stuff going on beyond the realm of what this blog is typically about and I look forward to introducing it all once my camera stops being all Beyonce.

Tagged with fabric